Illustration of a Black woman in a yellow blouse wondering if she can prevent oral cancer, dentist in Hot Springs Village

Can You Prevent Oral Cancer?

September 30, 2022 5:58 pm

While there’s no proven way to 100% prevent oral cancer, there are some things you can do to help minimize your risk and chances of it developing. In this blog post, we talk about common red flags that may indicate you are developing oral cancer. We also share steps you can take to help prevent it.

What Is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is an abnormal growth of harmful, mutated cells on the lips or in the oral cavity or throat. It can often present itself in different ways, such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loosening teeth
  • Lump inside mouth or throat
  • Red, open sore in mouth or throat that won’t go away
  • Sore on lips that won’t heal
  • Unexplained mouth or throat pain
  • White patches in mouth or throat

Ways to Keep Your Mouth & Throat Healthy

To reduce your risk of oral cancer we recommend:

  • Avoiding tobacco (including smokeless) – Tobacco is chock-full of potentially cancer-causing chemicals
  • Limiting alcohol – Drinking large amounts of alcohol regularly can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to cancerous cells
  • Using sunscreen – When you’re putting sunscreen on your body, make sure you use sunscreen or chapstick with SPF on your lips or wear a hat
  • Regularly seeing a dentist – One of the benefits of biannual dental visits is that they give your dentist a chance to examine your smile and catch potential issues, such as oral cancer, early on so you can start treatment

Schedule Your Routine Dental Cleaning & Exam!

Have you been putting off seeing the dentist? Please don’t wait any longer! At Lefler Dental, we provide thorough professional cleanings and dental exams. We will also perform an oral cancer screening at your visit to check for any abnormalities. We emphasize preventive dental care and good oral health habits to help you maintain a healthy smile and body! Please contact our office today to schedule your next appointment.

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